Last time our experts in Asian dating shared tips with their users (all other pet lovers) on how to provide good cat grooming. Today, we go on discussing the topic of grooming pets in Asia and suggest tips for dog owners.
While it is important to go to a professional dog groomer sometimes, there are still some things that you can do at home on a daily basis. A sound combination of home and professional grooming will help you maintain the skin and fur of your pet in perfect condition.
#1. Take care of the dog’s fur regularly
Unlike cats, dogs need regular brushing. The number of times depends on the breed because some longhaired dogs will require more frequent attention than short-haired ones. If the former will need it every other day, the latter can be perfectly fine with just one brushing every other week.
Getting rid of hairballs is not just about beauty but also about health. Mats in the fur can cause pain to dogs, so they can even start to bite them and cause further infection. Another big problem is extra objects that get stuck in the fur mats. They can damage the skin and also provoke infections.
#2. Cut your pet’s nails
Dog nails need trimming from time to time as well. Otherwise, the dog can feel pain and discomfort. To cut your dog’s nails carefully, firsthand take care of the tools. You need nail clippers, guillotine nail cutters, or nail files. The styptic powder will be also useful if you accidentally make a small mistake. And of course, don’t forget about treats. While cutting the nail, be very careful and cut only the end of it. Make sure you move from top to bottom, not at an angle. And also make sure that you take care of your dog’s nails before it touches the ground. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it often, so you can always go to the groomer if you feel anxious.
#3. Take care of your pet’s skin
Every time you groom your dog, you should check the skin as well. Skin can suffer as a result of allergies or because of different bugs, fleas, parasites, ticks, etc. To check the skin, just check the skin with your own fingers. Be attentive to any unusual bumps and sensations. Move the fur a bit and explore the skin more closely if you feel something.
#4. Inspect the ears of your pet
A necessary part of dog grooming is checking the health of its ears. The ear infection is not that easy to notice but it can cause a lot of pain to the dog. As signs that you need a doctor, consider any moisture or inflammation inside of the ear, strange sweet odor, more wax in the ears than usual, a too stressed dog behavior or head shaking when you clean its ears.

#5. Check the teeth and clean them regularly
Cleaning the dog’s teeth is necessary to prevent plaque and tartar accumulation. Ideally, pet owners should do it every day or at least three times per week. For sure, your dog won’t like it at first. So you can train it by using your finger instead of a toothbrush. And then start using a special toothbrush and toothpaste. However, even good hygiene is not the remedy for all diseases. With age, your dog can still start to develop tartar and hence will need professional grooming and vet help.
#6. Be careful with bathing
Dogs like to roll in dirty places. It’s so funny for them and not at all that funny for you. Bathing is required every couple of months to keep the skin healthy and clean and avoid any problems caused by poor hygiene. However, don’t get too persistent. Washing the fur of your dog too often can remove the natural oils and in the end damage the skin and the fur of the pet. Also, pay attention to strange odors. If your dog doesn’t roll in rubbish or shit (which unfortunately dogs find very funny to do), then a bad smell can be a sign of a teeth problem or skin infections.
If you are going to take care of bathing yourself, keep in mind that human and even kid shampoos are not suitable for dogs. Their skin has a different pH from ours and thus pets require a shampoo created especially for them. And still, though the special shampoo is suitable for dogs, you need to avoid the eyes, mouth, and the area inside the ears. After washing your dog, put it in a towel-drying coat to avoid cold temperatures.
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