Grooming is a prerequisite, without which professional preparation of a dog for a show is impossible. According to rough estimates, about 400 dog breeds have been bred in the world today. And for each of them its own standards have been developed. An experienced groomer with the help of a haircut will be able to disguise the faults of the animal. And the benefits, on the contrary, will be in the foreground.
Thus, the exterior of the competitor is presented in the most favorable light. But getting the coat right is half the battle. It is also important to beautifully and competently style the resulting haircut. Laying is done just before the dog leaves the exhibition area.
Preparation of a thoroughbred pet for an exhibition should be started well in advance – several months before the event. If the dog does not belong to the category of “show”, then you can limit yourself to the usual home haircut. But there is one condition – the haircut should not distort the standard exterior of the breed. In other words, after the “visit to the hairdresser’s”, the breed should remain recognizable.
Haircuts used for grooming:
Trimming. The coat is clipped evenly throughout the body. Scissors or a typewriter are used as a tool. The result is a thick, neatly and evenly trimmed hairline.
Rolling. This is a kind of stripping. Its peculiarity is that mature hairs are not removed immediately, but gradually. Thus, molting takes place in stages, pile of different maturity remains on the body of the animal. Manipulation is carried out manually, once every two weeks to maintain the constant readiness of the thoroughbred pet for the show.
Top notes. Hairstyle in the form of a ponytail with a hairpin in dogs, whose hair in the head area grows by more than 10 cm. Such “glamorous” styling is not an extravagant whim of the owners. First, the breed standard requires it. Secondly, the dog is able to see normally. After all, the bangs that interfered with visibility rises up and is neatly fixed with a bow or hairpins. “Tailed” styling bangs are needed for such breeds as the Yorkshire Terrier.
Smooth transition. Required to create soft transitions between long and short hair in a haircut. This technique is often used for pre-show grooming of Cocker Spaniels. Their exterior is characterized by a smooth transition from short hair on the body to long pile on the “skirt”. Thinning can be done with various tools: thinning scissors or a machine with a special knife attachment.
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