Grooming came from the UK, where for more than one century there have been special people who professionally take care of animals – groomers. What does modern dog grooming include and who needs such services?
From a biological point of view, grooming is the actions that animals take to keep their bodies clean. Therefore, modern dog grooming is a complex of pet care procedures. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a purebred dog or an ordinary courtyard – every animal needs cleanliness. Pay special attention to your dog while molting.
Today, grooming is a haircut (both hygienic and model), clipping, cleaning ears, eyes and teeth, shaving hair on the paws and a number of other procedures.

All this is necessary not only to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the pet, but also for its health. Unkempt coats cause skin problems, dirt in the ears and eyes leads to hearing and vision problems, and long claws interfere with walking and cause injury. At the same time, it is important to understand that dogs do not have feline flexibility and cannot take care of themselves without the help of the owner. Therefore, grooming is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out at regular intervals.
The owners of decorative breeds most often turn to the services of groomers, as well as dogs, the appearance of which involves regular grooming or plucking (trimming). For example, owners of poodles, cocker spaniels, terriers or schnauzers.
Long-haired breeds have their own grooming characteristics, and not all novice owners know about them. Therefore, if you recently got a bobtail, Afghan hound, Caucasian, St. Bernard or Newfoundland – consider visiting a groomer at least once. A professional will give useful tips for caring for your hair, and recommend what tools to buy for clipping nails and other procedures.
What do you need to know before going to the groomer?
Keep in mind that for most dogs, grooming is stressful and can be compared to going to the vet. Some particularly sensitive pets may even become depressed. If you decide to cut your pet or shorten its claws yourself, then your awkward actions can greatly scare him and, even worse, cause pain.
As you probably already understood, grooming is not a tribute to fashion, but a vital necessity. A special word denoting all these procedures gives them “pretentiousness”, but no one canceled their obligation. Grooming, trimming nails, cleaning eyes and ears – all this will preserve the health and beauty of your four-legged friend for years to come.