Dogs show their affection in different ways. How you can tell that your dog really loves you, you can learn here.
“My dog loves me!” – all dog owners would probably agree with this statement. And indeed: certain behaviors clearly reveal that you are really important to your dog. You can find out what they are here.
Top 10: How dogs show their affection
Dogs show their affection to humans in different ways. Even small gestures can mean big things. You should know these ten tokens of a dog’s love.
- Exuberant greeting
- Dog licks me
- Body contact
- Eye contact
- Dog presses himself against me
- Dog seeks protection from me
- Always near me
- Dog loves my socks and shoes
- Share favorite toys
- Sleeping together
- Exuberant greetings
No one greets you as excitedly as your dog? That’s because he’s incredibly excited about your return – and that can be regardless of how long the dog has been alone.
If your dog is jumping up and down over-excited, literally doing a happy dance and wagging his tail, he is expressing his boundless joy. He really loves you! Hand licking, barking and squealing can also be signs of how much your dog has missed his beloved human.
- Licking means affection
Your dog shows his affection for you by licking you, and not just as a greeting. Your four-legged friend already knows the caress with the tongue from the puppy age: Also a bitch licks her offspring. Your dog not only shows you that he loves you, but also wants to take care of you.

- Dog seeks physical contact
Your dog only seeks physical contact with the person he really cares about. But be careful: dogs are not fans of hugs like we bipeds are. In contrast, they prefer to enjoy physical closeness by cuddling on the sofa or by extensive petting.
If your dog wants to be physically close to you, it shows that it loves you.
- Eye contact
Would you look a stranger in the eye for a long time? Probably not. And it is the same with dogs. Long-lasting eye contact between dog and owner gives both love, trust and security.
Oxytocin, the so-called “cuddle hormone,” is released in the dog’s body during familiar eye contact. It strengthens the bond between the animal and its owner.
- My dog leans on me
People only like to lean on familiar people. So if your dog leans against you, it is a clear sign that he loves you. He enjoys your closeness and trusts you.
If he does this even in frightening situations, he shows that you give him security. He can rely on you completely!
- Protection in dangerous situations
If your dog really loves you, he will look to you for protection when there is potential danger for him. He will also look up to you and observe your reactions when he is unsure or afraid.
But a dog will only do this if he can trust you to handle problematic situations – unlike him. He has real trust in you!
- Always be near
If your dog trusts you, you are also a member of his pack. Dogs are highly social animals that always seek the closeness of their pack, including you. That’s why your dog will also show his affection by following you everywhere and even while playing with others or at home, always checking if you are still near him. This is also how dogs show their love.
- Socks and shoes are important to him
Many are less fond of seeing the dog carry away socks or shoes. But if your dog really loves you, your smell is very important for him. Dogs perceive the world mainly through their nose – that’s why smells are very important for them.
- Favorite toy is shared
If your dog brings his absolute favorite toy to you and wants to play with you, he also shows it that he really likes you. However, those who receive the much-loved toy without a play request can feel especially honored: Namely, now the dog wants to present his great toy to his beloved human and share it with him. A true sign of devoted love.
- Night’s rest together
However, a dog’s affection is also shown by the fact that he also wants to sleep near his owner. Many dogs love to sleep next to their human in bed – but this is not okay for every two-legged friend. Then you can always offer the dog to sleep at least in the same room in the basket. This way he can also follow his urgent need to be as close as possible to his human.
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This strengthens the bond with the dog
In order for dogs to give us their trust and affection, we should earn it. This involves us learning extensively about the dog’s natural behavior. Read his body language correctly and be affectionate but consistent when raising him.
Author of the article is Jeff Vertes, an analyst of the site
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